Pleasants County Sheriff - Tax Office
Charles R. Mankins, Sheriff
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm
Click the following link to pay taxes online:
The Sheriff serves as the Treasurer for Pleasants County and, therefore, all incoming revenue is receipted through this office. The citizens of the county elect a Sheriff for a four-year term. The sheriff may not serve more than two consecutive terms. The annual salary as set by code is $55,573 with additional compensation for tax collections not to exceed $15,000. The Sheriff, as treasurer’s duties include but are not limited to:
Treasurer of all county funds
Balance all county accounts
Prepare county financial statement
Collect all county real and personal property taxes
Enforce payment of all delinquent taxes
Issue motor vehicle license renewals
Tax Collection Dates
Statements are mailed out July 15th of each year.
Discount Periods:
Pay first half on or before September 1st.
Pay second half on or before March 1st
As of April 1st you can no longer pay in halves. Taxes go delinquent as of May 1st each year.
License Registration Renewals
Renewal Applications must be presented at the time of renewal.
$2 additional fee for 1-year renewals
$3 additional fee for 2-year renewals
Temporary Registrations and/or duplicate decals are NO LONGER AVAILABLE in this office.
Tax Lien Sale is held between October 15th and November 22nd of each year.
WV State Auditor
For redemptions of sold properties, call WV State Auditor's Office at (304) 558-2261